Archivi categoria: News

KATAKLYSM – L’artwork di “Waiting for the End to Come”!

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Tweet KATAKLYSM – “Waiting for the End to Come” Artwork Revealed! Montreal based death metal powerhouse, KATAKLYSM, have revealed the cover art for their highly anticipated upcoming release “Waiting for the End to Come”. The artwork Peter Sallai (SABATON) will … Continua a leggere

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SUMOSLOTS – il video di “Son of a Bitch”!

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Tweet SUMOSLUTS publish the first Video to the Album FAT. HOT. SEXY. being published in september 2013. After great success of the german Retrorockers around frontman Phil Svetashkov at the Emerganza 2013 Band competition it was the next logical step, … Continua a leggere

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Tweet Tutti i nomi del più grande festival gratuito, dal 5 all’8 settembre a Treviso. Si aggiungono al cartellone tra gli headliner anche gli Asian Dub Foundation, Africa Unite e Salmo. La novità: l’installazione di Pistoletto. L’elenco dei partner e … Continua a leggere

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EQUILIBRIUM – la prima parte della “Facebook fan interview”!

Tweet EQUILIBRIUM – first part of Facebook fan interview online! With the release of their first ever EP “Waldschrein” in August ahead, German epic metal heroes EQUILIBRIUM have now giving their fans the chance to directly address questions to band … Continua a leggere

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TELLUS REQUIEM – Tour Europeo coi Kamelot, anche nelle data a Trieste!

Tweet Kamelot’s European Tour 2013 is now fully set with Special Guests “ReVamp” from Holland, featuring Floor Jannseen. In addition we are pleased to announce that Norwegian Metallers “Tellus Requiem” will open the show. “We’re super-psyched for this tour together … Continua a leggere

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FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE – il lyric video di “Minotaur”!

Tweet FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE – “Minotaur” lyric video posted Italy’s Symphonic Death Metal horde, FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE, have posted a lyric video for the track “Minotaur (The Wrath of Poseidon)” here: The track comes from their upcoming album Labyrinth which was … Continua a leggere

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AEON ZEN – ecco i premi per la “guitar solo competition”!

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Tweet Aeon Zen introduce an exciting new competition, in conjunction with Sabre Guitars, where you can win a number of amazing prizes, including guitar pickups, huge guitar discounts, a guest solo and production of your song by Aeon Zen’s Rich … Continua a leggere

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Sabato 7 Settembre 2013 – Notturno Metal Party : Black Mama + The Fastback – Ricky’s Pub (Abbazia Pisani PD)

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Tweet Notturno Metal compie 10 anni! Eh sì, sono passati 10 anni da quando Radio Gamma 5 ha aperto le sue porte al metal, un pensiero ed un ringraziamento va ad Alessandro che ha iniziato e condiviso con me per … Continua a leggere

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LINGUA MORTIS ORCHESTRA – il nuovo album nei negozi!

Tweet LINGUA MORTIS ORCHESTRA – new album out now! Today LINGUA MORTIS ORCHESTRA release their new album, concisely entitled »LMO«. In The band was formed by the three RAGE musicians Victor Smolski (guitar, keyboard and cello), Peavy Wagner (vocals and … Continua a leggere

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THE DEFILED – fuori il nuovo album “Daggers”!

Tweet THE DEFILED – »Daggers« OUT NOW Formed in 2005, THE DEFILED exploded onto an unsuspecting metal scene in 2008 with their debut EP »1888« before devoting themselves to establishing a reputation as one of the most exhilarating live bands … Continua a leggere

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